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quinta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2018

What i need to buy for making my first g scale layout? Using LGB, Bachmann or Piko sets

The first step is a starter pack, LGB, Piko, Bachmann sells the most famous starter sets, you need to buy one like this:

This set comes with a locomotive, an oval track, some wagons and a controller, it's all you need to run your train, but you can think bigger and buy some extra tracks to make a good layout. LGB offers bronze tracks that you can use indoor or outdoor, if you don't have place to make a layout you can use your garden to run you trains.

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New Bachmann N scale Dash 8-40CW \\ Nova locomotiva escala N Dash 8-40CW Bachamnn

NEW IN N SCALE: DASH 8-40CW with ECONAMI™ DCC SOUND VALUE Scale: N Brand: Bachmann Trains Engine Type: Diesel ...