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sexta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2018

New Bachmann g scale C-19 steam locomotive

This is the C-19 locomotive made by Bachmann Trains

This groundbreaking Large Scale C-19 2-8-0 model has many advanced features including:
• powerful precision-balanced can motor connected to an all-metal gearbox and gears with appropriate gear reduction combine to create an eight-wheel drive system with superior performance at realistic speeds
• equalized locomotive suspension system to provide super-smooth operation on uneven track
• electrical pickup from all drive wheels and both tender trucks
• advanced nonproprietary plug-and-play electronic printed circuit board to accommodate the control systems of your choice, including DC power, NMRA/NEM DCC, and/or RC operation
• choose track or battery power pickup, operation according to NMRA or Large Scale railroading practices, and motor power on/off
• choose either DCC or DC operation of the smoke unit, cab lights, realistic firebox flicker and ash pan glow, and classification lights
• two optical sensors, one in each cylinder, give you the option of adjusting the timing and count of steam chuffs
• factory-installed speaker, with wire pigtail, for easy installation of optional aftermarket sound system
• constant lighting of the LED headlight, classification lights, and cab light using soft white LED technology
• Johnson bar is connected to the fully adjustable inside Stephenson valve gear by a scale reach bar for reversing linkage that operates per prototype
• accurately reflects all the details found on the prototype road number modeled

This model performs best on 5' diameter curves or greater.

Brand: Bachmann Trains
Scale: G scale
Price: 1699USD

Lionel Visionline Niagara

Lançamento Lionel Visionline Niagara

Disponível na versão NewYork Central

Características da locomotiva:

-Sistema de controle LCS, com transformador convencional ou Bluetooth pelo LionChief App;
-Sons de buzinas e falas realistas;
-Sistema de fumaça incrível;

Marca: Lionel
Escala: O
Preço: 1709USD

quinta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2018

Como instalar desvios frateschi: aqui segue meu video ensinando

What i need to buy for making my first g scale layout? Using LGB, Bachmann or Piko sets

The first step is a starter pack, LGB, Piko, Bachmann sells the most famous starter sets, you need to buy one like this:

This set comes with a locomotive, an oval track, some wagons and a controller, it's all you need to run your train, but you can think bigger and buy some extra tracks to make a good layout. LGB offers bronze tracks that you can use indoor or outdoor, if you don't have place to make a layout you can use your garden to run you trains.

How to start a garden railway?

To start a garden railway, first you need to set the area of the layout,

In second, you need to put the track in the place you set in first part.

Third part, put a train to test the layout to see if its running well 
The last part is how do you want to make the layout decorations. Here is some exemples of decorations:

Thanks for reading

terça-feira, 21 de agosto de 2018

Most popular gauges/scales for model railroading

ScaleRatioModel gaugeNotes
Z1:2206.5 mm (0.256 in)NMRA does not give any other dimensions for Z-scale apart from the gauge
The s.g. is set nominally to gauge=6.5 mm; more exact to 1:220 would be 6.52 mm (0.257 in)
Nn21:1600.177 in (4.5 mm)
4.5 mm (0.177 in)
narrow gauge
Nn31:1600.256 in (6.5 mm)
6.5 mm (0.256 in)
narrow gauge
N1:1600.353 in (8.97 mm)standard gauge
TT1:1200.470 in (11.94 mm)
0.472 in (12 mm)
12 mm (0.472 in)
standard gauge
HOn2 or 3.5 mm1:87.17 mm (0.276 in)narrow gauge
HOn30 or 3.5 mm1.87.19 mm (0.354 in) (0.353 in.)narrow gauge--N scale track can be used
HOn3 or 3.5 mm1:87.110.5 mm (0.413 in)narrow gauge
HOm or 3.5 mm1:87.112 mm (0.472 in)narrow gauge--TT scale track can be used
HO or 3.5 mm1:87.10.65 in (16.5 mm)standard gauge
OO or 4 mm1:76.20.75 in (19.05 mm)standard gauge
Sn3 or 3/16″1:640.563 in (14.3 mm)narrow gauge
S or 3/16″1:640.883 in (22.43 mm)standard gauge
On2 or 1/4″1:4812.7 mm (0.5 in)narrow gauge
On30 or 1/4″1:48HO-tracknarrow gauge
On3 or 1/4″1:480.75 in (19.05 mm)
19.4 mm (0.764 in) (?)
narrow gauge
O or 1/4″1:481.25 in (31.75 mm)1.177 in (28.9 mm) is true standard gauge
No. 1n3 or 3/8″1:321.125 in (28.6 mm)narrow gauge
No. 1 or 3/8″1:321.766 in (44.85 mm)standard gauge
Fn3 or 15 mm1:20.32No. 1-tracknarrow gauge
F or 15 mm1:20.322.781 in (70.69 mm)Identical to Proto 20.32 except the wheel flange depth
3/4″1:163 12 in (89 mm)standard gauge
1″1:124 34 in (121 mm)

Atlas oficial tutorial for track laying

This ofical Atlas trains videos show you how to lay O scale track:

Part: 1

Part 2

Bachmann HO Scale 4-4-0 DCC Equiped

New Bachamnn HO scale steam locomotive

Brand: Bachmann
Scale: HO
Type: Steam
Factory Price: $319,00

The famed 4-4-0 steam locomotives that completed the joining of the rails at the Golden Spike ceremony are available in two versions.The DCC sound-equipped 4-4-0 model includes our Sound Value SoundTraxx® steam sound package with authentic prototypical chuff, short and long whistles, bell, air pump, steam release and blower–all in 16-bit polyphonic sound. The DCC-ready version runs DC out of the box and has a factory-installed 8-pin socket for the DCC decoder installation of your choice. Visit your favorite hobby retailer to create your own historic railroad today!

Avaiable in these versions:
  • SANTA FE #91 with WOOD LOAD  
  • W&RR "The General" with WOOD LOAD
  • NCRR "The York" with WOOD LOAD

Video ensinando a fazer um controle de trens por arduino \\ Video teaching how to make an arduino train controller

domingo, 5 de agosto de 2018

Melhor programa para projetar sua maquete // Best software for modelmaking plan

 3D Train Studio é um programa que tem como principio ajudar você a planejar sua maquete, além disso tem como testar a ferrovia com modelos em 3d funcionais. Abaixo seguem algumas imagens do programa:

3D Train Studio is a program that has as principle to help you to plan your model, in addition it has the possibility to test the railroad with functional 3d models.

Bachmann N Dash 8-40CW

Esta locomotiva estilo cabine larga "CW" foi originalmente oferecida pela GE como uma opção para o Dash 8-40C, mais tarde se tornando o padrão para sua série de locomotivas de carga contemporânea. O modelo de Bachmann vem com o decodificador de som Econami ™ SoundTraxx® DCC. Conjunto de fábrica para o realismo do Dash-40CW, o pacote diesel oferece uma escolha de 5 motores principais, 16 airhorns, múltiplas variações de 7 tipos de campainha, 2 compressores de ar e 3 acopladores, além de um sinal de cruzamento de função ativado por função - todos em 16- pouco som polifônico. Também está incluída a sensibilidade auto-notching ajustável para operação prototípica, volume mestre ajustável e níveis de volume de efeito sonoro individual, consistência avançada e muito mais.

Marca: Bachmann
Escala: N
Valor no site do fabricante: $319.00

This "CW" wide cab-style locomotive was originally offered by GE as an option for the Dash 8-40C, later becoming the standard for its contemporary freight locomotives series. Bachmann's model comes with the Econami ™ SoundTraxx® DCC sound decoder. Factory set for Dash-40CW realism, the diesel package offers a choice of 5 prime movers, 16 airhorns, multiple variations of 7 bell types, 2 air compressors, and 3 couplers plus a function-activated grade-crossing signal-all in 16- bit polyphonic sound. Also included is adjustable auto-notching sensitivity for prototypical operation, adjustable master volume and individual sound effect volume levels, advanced consisting, and more.

Brand: Bachmann
Sclae: N
Price: $319.00

New Bachmann N scale Dash 8-40CW \\ Nova locomotiva escala N Dash 8-40CW Bachamnn

NEW IN N SCALE: DASH 8-40CW with ECONAMI™ DCC SOUND VALUE Scale: N Brand: Bachmann Trains Engine Type: Diesel ...